
Joan, N-Ireland


Now and again I like to put up a post to hopefully encourage others on their weight loss journey …..

As I have said previously my journey began around 4 years ago when I researched and decided upon Weight Loss Latvia to have my gastric bypass

Tipping the scales at around 23stones I lost a little pre surgery then went to Dr Olegs who performed my gastric bypass with great treatment recovery and after care and support in all respects from beautiful Ilva Urbanoviča and of course others (especially Roisin McGrath)

I recall so clearly on the day of my surgery Dr Olegs telling me “this is only the beginning of your weight loss journey and to expect other prominent surgeries."

I was prepared and having lost an incredible 15stone

(And yes I have had numerous other surgeries)

All in line with my transformed body and lifestyle (which I do work hard to maintain)

I thought I’d share these pics

I hope it inspires even one person 😍